This Week… Diet Tips, Prince Charles And Dj Tattoos

"I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself." – Johnny Carson
"I'm a DJ. I get the party started." – Avicii
"I learned the way a monkey learns – by watching its parents." – Prince Charles
So.. Cambridge Analytica has caused a right proper shitstorm, eh! Facebook, Trump and Israel hackers. Sounds like a recipe for disaster success! Worse still, the LIB DEMS — remember them? — have been harvesting data from Myspace. When will it end?
This Week I thought I'd mix it up and provide some video content shining a light on some of the things I get up to. Especially interesting for all you foodies who read and digest This Week every week. Hi, Jane.
Prince Charles' unnoficial biography is out, which shows him to be a fucking royal nutcase. Called, 'Rebel Prince', it reveals that Charlie was unaware what cling film was until when he was with Camilla; employs four gardeners who “lie flat, nose down on a trailer” to hand pluck weeds, because of the prince’s hatred of pesticides; and retired Indian servicemen prowl through the undergrowth at night with torches and handpick slugs from the plants of leaves.
I have a Prince Albert. Look.
I've been thinking about getting a tattoo. Something iconic… like a swallow on my wrists or tear drop just beneath eye. I'm not sure but really inspired by pre-radio-full-acid-house Bruno Brooks.
Here's DJ Harvey superfan, Plastician.
And Henrik Schwarz with his massive back tattoo of a semi-naked and shackled Noel Edmunds. Impressive.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Tattoos! What the fuck are they all about, eh?
Defo This??!?!?
Elton John, announced his farewell tour recently…for the second time. He anounced the first time in 1977.
You won't see Rod Stewart announcing his farewell tour, that's for sure. In fact, he avoids selling tickets for his. Proper.
Rod Stewart b2b Elton John?
Right, it's nearly home time.
First. The Gym
Then Party. Do you love acid? Join us at Ransom Note Records 12-7pm.
Then Monday. Let's get to it, sexy's.