Single Review: V/A – Autonomous Africa Vol. 3

Optimo man JD Twitch brings another EP in the Autonomous Africa series, this time featuring tracks from Midland, General Ludd, Auntie Flo and Twitch himself. Midland opens with the warm Kwaito-esque percussive roll of 'Maya', not a million miles away in conception from DJ Mujave's classic 'Township Funk', General Ludd goes down a deeper, dubbier route utilising a ridiculously fat 808 bass, Auntie Flo makes something like an African response to Fidgit house, and Twitch closes proceedings with a percussive post disco epic that may be the cream of the bunch. All the proceeds from the release are going to the Tanzanaian Mission run by Midland's parents – and Twitch has the following to say on the matter:
"Many of the problems Africa faces are a result of outside interference by other countries, and as the 21st century progresses we will see the continued pillage of African resources to feed the global capitalist machine on an unprecedented scale. Corrupt and greedy regimes gladly sell their land and mineral wealth to finance their own extravagant lifestyles while the vast majority of ordinary people see little or no improvement in their own lives. An autonomous Africa run by the people for the people, where African land is predominantly used to feed African people and Africa's vast wealth of resources is used to benefit the people of Africa seems the only logical way forward. Autonomous Africa's goal is to highlight this message and here presents to you four tracks of African-inspired grooves."
Sound clips below, grab a copy from here
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