Fever Trails – Adidas Pineapple Village

The good people at Activia Benz have done it again. Not only have they hit number 21 in their phenomenal ilovesingles.club, but they’ve found another bunch of electronic noisesmiths that the rest of us have missed. This time Cape Town’s Fever Trails are the guilty party and their track 'Adidas Pineapple Village' is a summertime beast!
'Adidas Pineapple Village' sounds like electronic supremo Vangelis has gone on holiday to South America and, after a night in a bar listening to the lounge act ‘Latin-ing’ up the standard set of covers all the while getting sloshed, he’s gone back to his mobile studio, that he takes everywhere with him, with the company of some more brightly colours cocktails and their effects he’s recorded this bright and jocular number. (and breathe!)While this isn’t true in any way, the end result does sound like a musical version of a cocktail so brightly colours and brimming in E Numbers and sugar that I can feel my teeth dissolving as I think about it.
What Fever Trails and Activia Benz have done is effectively added another track to a BBQ playlist that will have your neighbours looking out of upstairs windows wistfully and “popping round to borrow some sugar”, whilst never actually taking the sugar, but instead helping themselves to a few burgers and cocktails with funny straws. As it looks set to be a hot summer, you'd better start stockpiling now…
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