Diveo – Ferris Wheel


Ferris Wheel by New York’s Diveo is the latest release in Acitiva Benz’s ilovesingles.club series. Instead of just being their usual blend of skewed electronic pop, with an eye on the dance floor, this time it’s far played for fun. The song is a story of love, candyfloss and Ferris wheels. Through soliloquy-esque vocals Diveo narrates a night at the fair while looking for love.

Like with all Diveo productions, Ferris Wheel is a mixture of charming pop playfulness, electronic clout and quick clever lyrics, almost tongue twisting at times. Ultimately this is the musical equivalent of the candyfloss he give to his squeeze at the end, it makes you feel hyperactive after a massive sugar rush, but without the damage to your teeth nor the guilt that maybe you should go to the dentist.