Premiere: Tammo Hesselink – Butter Hands

5 Minute Read

Technical electronic excursions from Tammo Hesselink on Redstone Press.

It were as if he couldn’t find his grip as the world spun recklessly all around him. All he wished was that he might find something to cling on to which might cement him to the ground and bring him back to reality. Instead everything was blurry and his grip, non existent. Old butter hands was out for the night and there was no stopping the ride…

He wandered between the people and the places, the faces and the strangers, the dancers and the wanderers lost within the midst of the night. For they too had lost their grip. We all had really, the world was a big buttery pool within which we all swam beneath the cloak of darkness.


Tammo Hesselink delivers a technical masterclass on a new EP for Scottish label Redstone Press. Deep, pensive electronic textures with tones for the heads.

Listen below: