Premiere: Primordial Om – El Llamado Del Infinito

5 Minute Read
Latido del Infinito Art

Otherworldly sounds and leftfield club experiments from Mexico based producer Primordial Om.

There wasn’t much out here. The occasional pick up truck sat abandoned by the side of the road, dotted miles between gas stations and the occasional billboard signposting holiday destinations somewhere far away. It was hot too, dusty and hot.

The afternoons were long around here, they seemed to eat into the evening, the sun refusing to retreat and know when it was beat for the day.

Nothing and nobody lived out here, at least not those above ground. Who knew which spirits and mysteries were buried beneath the sand.

It was hotter up here than the hell that lay beneath anyway.


Primordial Om is set to release an excellent record via the ever evolving imprint Isla. It’s a sweltering assortment of sun kissed, abstract electronic cuts and club music with unique and exciting elements.

Listen below: