Premiere: Jezebell – Hung

Jezebell return for a self release of four more bangers.
The grand Jezebell, quite proud and spry, Hung high in a tree, reaching for the sky.
She hummed “Darren’s Theme” With a donkey’s loud scream,
While offering a cream tease with a wink in her eye.
She claimed it was The Big Time—oh please! Her song, she said, was “self-released.”
The donkey just brayed, As her tune slowly swayed,
And her fame floated off like a leaf in the breeze.
But Jezebell cared not for the crowd, She hung from the branch, still singing loud.
She was free as the air, With her donkey’s wild stare,
Making nonsense a thing to be proud!
Listen below:
The four tracker Cream Tease by Jezebell is out now.
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