Premiere: Jerod S. Rivera – Steamstress Clock (feat Cat Lauigan)

5 Minute Read

Spoken word dances atop ambient delicacy.

The concept of time was one which was strange. It was hard to quantify and measure, yet like many things it existed and the people of the world were bound by its structure.

It were as if there were some seamstress, dancing in the heavens, weaving and watching as the clock slowly ticked and wound its way into oblivion. The people down below were merely following its cycle, its pattern, its rotation.

Perhaps one day there might be no clock – simply moments of unsolicited freedom bound by the passing clouds alone. That day seemed far away now…


Jerod S. Rivera is set to release a new self released album called ‘Dot Dash’ which features this exquisite piece of ambience featuring the spoken word of Cat Lauigan.

Listen below: