Premiere: Igaxx – Floatin’

5 Minute Read
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Slow moving electronica with acid nostalgia.

The bubbles drifted across the room as the crowd of people watched them rise into the great beyond and disappear. There was something fascinating about the way in which they floated and danced effortlessly upon the breeze.

From time to time they’d catch an effervescent glow beneath the sunbeams which coursed in through the windows illuminating what would otherwise be darkness.

Then they would simply pop.

It was as if they had never been there, much like a thought or a memory or a dream. They simply came and went.


Igaxx releases a new EP on Third Place Records, the label run and championed by Will Hofbauer. This one features a delicate assortment of downtempo electronics with this track in particular reminding us of the acid infused balearic era of the 90’s.

Listen below: