Premiere: Gratts, Moody Mae & Jaj – Nuit De Fievre (Pellegrino Nottata Stellata Remix)

5 Minute Read

Sun kissed new school Italo on Be Strong Be Free.

The sun was setting in the distance, little could be seen but for the headlights from cars parked upon the beach. They illuminated the darkness with their beams which shone far outward over the water and into the great beyond.

Someone had lit a small bonfire down upon the sand. Shadows were gathered all around the flames, dancing and chatting as the sun vanished slowly beyond the abyss.

They would be here all night long, waiting until it might return once more and cast the world ablaze. The air was warm and thick as the last of the summer began to fade away.


Italo excellence aplenty. This one has us longing for the last of the summer nights – a sun kissed remix from Pellegrino elevates what is already a gorgeous original from Gratts, Moody Mae & Jaj.

Listen below: