Premiere: Command D – Heavy Clouds

2 Minute Read
EP – Timeline-1_01_00_00_00_0004_Timeline-1_01_00_40_00

Dubbed out tones from the Australian producer.

They hung thick and ominous overhead, casting strange shapes and shadows upon the empty fields and plains which lay beneath. The barley could be seen blowing in the warmth of the summer breeze but it was a muggy, humid kind of heat. The kind which stuck to you and held on tight.

Heavy clouds often meant that the end was nigh, that summer was on its way out and soon the rain would fall and leave this land green and wondrous. Everything would be afloat once again, an aquatic paradise in which the wild things grew and the people danced.

For now, they simply watched as they passed overhead, moving ever more slowly, weighed down by world within them.


Pure Space are set to release a new EP from Command D. This record is titled ‘New Devices’ and features a collection of dubbed out ambient tones, amidst loosely dotted sporadic percussion in the ilk of Basic Channel or Deepchord etc.

Listen below: