Premiere: Beato Cozzi – Killer (Magic Feet)


Walking into The Buffs, again, this time Janette Norddahl’s 18th. Pay the man 20p, that makes you a member for the night.

Yazz, inspite of her intentions has shown me that “Up” is the only way. Taylor hands me a cashie, full of those Garys both sides of The Park adore.

He holds my hand as we dance, maybe too tightly. I find a door, off the floor.

No Malcolm Tucker, but jeez times have changed. This is a castle, and not Halton Castle. There is glamour, blanquettes and lacking Roger On The Door. 

Then, again, a bassline, and the same and different smiley faces from that canal side. 

Just decades apart.

Cheers Tay.

Here's a little video of it getting a spin down at Convenanza;

The Cruddas Park EP is out on 12th October in vinyl only format via Magic Feet.