Fridge Magnets: Alfos


We've once more had a nice long look inside the fridge, found it empty and decided that we're better off playing with the magnets on the front than trying to force out a combination of lemon juice and out of date bacon. Yes, Fridge Magnets returns and this time there's no competition involved – it's all for the love of ALFOS! Tim Murray has put together this batch of A Love From Outer Space-related phrases for you to use and have a lot of fun with. Here's how Mr Murray describes the task at hand;

"You’ve got your hand-stamped label 12” tucked neatly under your arm, you’ve stroked your beard nicely, you’ve been to at least two A Love From Outer Space parties and seen the Boiler Room where they play this new kind of music that’s a bit slower than the rest. You think you’re part of a movement, but you’re not even sure what it’s called. So here we offer you the opportunity to gen up on all things dubbed out disco related, just drop in some of these key phrases as soon as someone starts talking cosmic disco and you’re away!"