Drama Parlour’S Music To Cut Hair To #8


Sophie and I have been firm buddies since an unforgettable moment under the 'Megatron' in Amnesia, Ibiza. She tells the story as follows:

"Drama and I met on the dance floor of Amnesia in Ibiza at about 7am ,do you meet ALL your friends on dance floors Drama?. I’d come straight from DJ'ing at Space and was in pretty high spirits, so to speak. Drama led me to the middle of the dance floor just as the ice cannon fired down at us – the 'Megatron'.  Back then it was only Amnesia that had the ice cannons and I didn’t have a clue what amazingness was coming. I think I made Drama stay until we got chucked out at closing time. We’ve been firm friends ever since." 

Anyway, this lady taught herself to dj on disco records. What’s not to love? Her playlist is a welcome addition to the DP fold and I would hate for her not to be part as I think she really knows ‘Drama’ the best.


When were you at your happiest? 

The first time I held my baby in my arms, soppy, I know.

What’s your greatest fear? 

That I’ll never get to do everything I want to do before I die.

Who do you admire? 

Anyone more organised than me.

What trait do you deplore in yourself and other people? 

Me – disorganisation, and in others, bad manners.

What’s your worst habit? 

Procrastination. Hence why this interview has taken so long to finish.

Favourite word? 

Am I allowed a favourite phrase? In which case its ‘ Its wine time’.

Who would you like to say sorry to? 

My husband – for always being late.

Who do you despise? 

People who talk down to waiters/cab drivers.

Who or what is the love of your life? 

My little family.

What would improve your life? 

A dishwasher. 

What’s your greatest achievement? 

I made a baby. I don’t think there’s a bigger achievement than creating another life. 

What keeps you awake at night? 

The baby. 

How would you like to be remembered? 

I’m trying to think of something witty to say to this but I can’t…. As somebody who loved bringing people together.

What lessons has life taught you? 

Trust your instincts.

What would your super power be? 


Favourite smell? 

The countryside.

Who would play you in a film? 

Why would anyone want to?

Tell us a secret? 

Well then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore. 

You can catch Sophie at Cosmic Christmas, Soho House on 19th Dec and BreakFast Can Wait, Ace Hotel on NYE.