Outer Reaches unveil Outlaw Mixtape by Hervé Loncan (hrv)

Ransom Note label offshoot Outer Reaches have revealed an online only mixtape by Paris based DJ & host of the Approximate But Fair show on Station Station Hervé Loncan (aka hrv)
Titled the Outlaw Mixtape Loncan threads together discerning selections that encompass UK DIY / Post-Punk by the likes of The Poems and Television Personalities, the finer pearls and peaks of Renegade Sound and Pete Shelley and an amorphous collection of contemporary material including works by John T. Gast, Brannten Schnüre & Buttechno.
Heralding the label’s first signs of output in 2019 the mixtape is intended as a casual celebration of what Outer Reaches represents rather than a routine promotional mix.
Check the label’s introduction & listen to the mixtape in full below.
‘From Paris, it’s ours, it’s yours.
Glaswegian Spaghetti Westerns, Dan Treacy in a black hole, impersonating Ferry / Bowie at the suburbanite discotheque, maladjusted melodramas, West London soundclash, sugar-coated valediction, exile and retreat, dreaming outwards, mikrorayons vacuum, signing off with a quiet yell.’
More on Outer Reaches
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More on Hervé Loncan (hrv)
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