Rothmans – The Ransom Note Mix


Uncle Rothmans is celebrating 3 years of his label, and loveable uber-Scally Ant has celebrated by sharing with us this mix, taking in the discography of releases across those lemo-powered years. With a passion for the black stuff (as well as the white), lovely weighted limited 180g vinyl AND NO DIGITAL MP3 fuckwits, he has assembled not only some of the finest synthwave & acid house from across the globe, but made Panini footie stickers of World Cup Legends the title of each EP. From Mario Kempes back in 2012, through Claudio Gentile and Harald Scumacher to the latest release featuring narcotic-fuelled Argentine man machine Diego Maradona. With producers such as Timothy J. Fairplay, Emile Strunz, Scott Fraser, AIMES, Posthuman, Naduve & Katzele and "mystery Geoff" Man Power in the squad, they have all taken their trackies off and given the aul' stars a lift in the final 45 minutes. #lemopower #goatlife


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