Ex-Display Model: The ‘Monday Is Okay’ Mix


For those of you who may not be familiar with how we do things on a Monday then let us explain for you… For the past few years we have invited some of our favourite disc jockeys, musicians and artists to create a mix of sorts to see you through the most disheartening day of the week with sultry ambient tones and beautiful soundscapes. There isn't a rulebook as such but more a sense of sound.. 

Ex-Display Model are a duo made up of David Best of Fujiya & Miyagi and Ed Chivers of AK/DK. Together the Brighton based pair have collaborated to establish a new musical outlet allowing them to channel their deepest most influences, the likes of Velvet Underground, Harmonia and early work from Modern Lovers. Their musical education was inspired and built upon firm foundations by the likes of John Peel with whom they describe having listened to religiously once upon a time. 

The music they then recorded as Ex-Display model was built upon layered instrumentation and experimentation, built upon the use of guitars and broadening the palette with electronic expression. The self titled album was released in October of last year and is well worth your time. 

We invited the pair to record a mix within which they draw for records by the likes of Franco Battiato, Willie Burns alias Black Deer, Terry Riley and more. 

Listen and read the interview below: 

Please introduce yourself… Who are you, where are you and what are you?

I’m David Best of Ex-Display Model currently residing in Hove. I don’t know what I am. Maybe a little anxious at the moment.

What does your music sound like? 

It sounds like an early Roxy Music rehearsal trapped at the bottom of a mineshaft filtered through a blender.

Can you draw what you think it sounds like for us (an image from the old internet is acceptable)? 

Picture below.


Where was the mix recorded?

In my front room whilst watching tv with the sound down. 

What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix? 

Preferably on a train. Or perhaps running. All music helps propel the body forward. 

What should we be wearing?

Dunlop Green Flash, Adidas track suit, plain t-shirt & jazzy socks. 

What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location/system/format?

New York/ Don’t mind/ Vinyl

Which track in the mix is your current favourite?

Robert Rental – Double Heart. This was the initial blueprint of how I wanted the record to sound. It doesn’t but it was a good reference point. 

What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?

I like disco so probably a Larry Levan or David Mancuso one. I’m currently listening to lots of West African music. There are some great Voodoo Funk and Analog Africa mixes. 

If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?

Andrew Weatherall. I admire his broad taste and his singular vision. 

What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?

I had a twin cassette with high speed dubbing as a kid. I need to get a new set up. 

What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?

I like a strong start. Our attention spans are so short nowadays if you don’t have a strong start no one will hear the finish. 

What were the first and last records you bought?

My last record I bought was Grace E Jackson and the Galaxy – Don’t treat me like a fool. First record I bought was Shakin Stevens and Bonnie Tyler 12”. 

If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?

Passion fruit & Mango. 

If it was an animal what would it be?

It would be a jackal. 

One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?

Dexy’s – This is what she’s like. 

Upcoming in the world of… 

We are currently finishing off the new Fujiya & Miyagi record. 

Anything else we need to discuss?

I think we’ve covered the most important areas. 

Visit the Ex-Display Model Soundcloud HERE