Week # 30:


The worlds highest ski resort is now nothing but a sad and potent symbol of our rapidly changing climate. I went to the summit of Chacaltaya last weekend, around 5,400 metres above La Paz, with incredible views across to the monumental peaks of Mt. Illimani and Mt. Potosi. A stunning blue day, the clouds rippling on the sandy sides and rusty pools took the eye clear across to Lake Titicaca. In the valley between sit La Paz and El Alto, both exponentially expanding cities with thirsty populations. In just five years the glacier on Chacaltaya has disappeared. Never mind about skiing, Bolivias most populous region faces a water crisis on a huge scale.

Have a look see at all the photos here.

Mads Ryle

Check Maddington Bear’s brand-spanking new blog holding more photos of Wander & Wonder… and lots more!

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