This Week…. Trouble In Paradise

"I've always wanted to go to Switzerland to see what the army does with those wee red knives." – Billy Connolly
"Morale is at the lowest point since i've been here." – David Davis
"You see, rock and roll isn't a career or hobby – it's a life force. It's something very essential." – The Edge
Praise be, the sun is back and the wet days are gone forever, it's time to run tops off through the street with a can of the darkest fruits known to man and red shoulders.
This week there's been folk marching here, there and everywhere. I love a good march, there's lots of singing, dancing and silliness BUT LEST WE FORGET THAT IT IS ALL FOR A VERY IMPORTANT CAUSE. Here are some highlights from the world of marching this week…
The Famous 'Put It To The People' March of 2019…
The just as famous 'Leave Means Leave' March of 2019…
The famous 'Orange Bawbag' March of yesteryear which still happens in the present…
The Great '40 Days & 40 Nights' March…
The wonderful 'someone knicked my gear' march and the ensuing chase…
Elsewhere upon the nonsense world in which we live, middle aged cougars and grannies are travelling across the globe in pursuit of the D… I mean fair enough, if that's the lengths you are prepared to go to but you would think that there might be a more attractive option at home… Nope?
Sometimes it feels like humanity has taken great steps forward only to shoot itself in the foot and reverse… Much like these guys, a political statement or downright fun?
At least we have great, pioneering, industry leading corporations ready to prop up the economic disaster of Brexit, if they know the direction that is…
And great British innovators, speaking the truth in the utmost sense…
On the subject of the music from yesteryear, Myspace decided it would be a good idea to wipe a proportion of music from the history of time, that's if it was recorded in the late noughties for a little while anyways. To be honest, a lot of people complained but is it really such a bad thing? This was the sound of the era…
Lyrics below…
I like where we are
When we drive in your car
I like where we are
'Cause our lips can touch
And our cheeks can brush
Our lips can touch
Well you are the one
The one that lies close to me
Whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly
I fell in love
In love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be
But here in your arms
I like where you sleep
When you sleep next to me
I like where you sleep
Our lips can touch
And our cheeks can brush
Our lips can touch
Well you are the one
The one that lies close to me
Whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly
I fell in love
In love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be
But here in your arms
Our lips can touch
Our lips can touch
Well you are the one
The one that lies close to me
Whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly
I fell in love
In love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be
But here in your arms
Well you are the one
The one that lies close to me
Whispers hello, I miss you quite terribly
I fell in love
In love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be
But here in your arms
Here in your arms
Here in your arms
The quote of the week might be this…
"Nicky Morgan says it’s a sad day because ‘Theresa May really wanted to be Prime Minister’. She’s not a six year old getting to sit at the wheel of a fire engine you fucking idiot."
Humans are amazing…
And you can always follow your dreams…
And we can solve mysteries… (Apart from this one…)
That's all folks xoxoxo
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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