This Week… Mail baiting, Britain hating, book shelves, Yemen & Epic tales…


Let’s have the debate about who hates Britain more, it isn’t a dead Jewish refugee from Belgium who served in the Royal Navy, it’s the immigrant-bashing, woman-hating, Muslim-smearing, NHS-undermining, gay-baiting Daily Mail.” Decent bit of Daily Mail cussing by Mehdi Hasan… watch the video below.

How can one not be fond of something that the Daily Mail despises? Stephen Fry

“Could The Nanny State Impregnate Cliff Richard?”

“Could Filth On Television Give You Diabetes?”

“Will The Loony Left Molest Taxpayers?”

“Are Working Mothers Killing Your Pension?” and other great Daily Mail Headlines from the Daily Mail-O-Matic

This one’s a cracker…

This is a cracker too…

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Karl Marx

So, the the most sophisticated and extensive criminal marketplace on the internet today” or the Silk Road is over! That’ll teach him to plan hits on people with his username… 

Here’s that video of Mehdi…

Book shelf porn…click the link for more

I want to go to Yemen…

Thanks to Mlkshk for the main image.