This Week… Blobby, Cows & Punctures

"There are things one must do for oneself." – Robert Mugabe
"I like to drink to suit my location." – Tom Jones
"Does anyone ask their parents how they are conceived?" – Boris Becker
Oaft, it's been a tough week. A big one last weekend amidst the Ransom Note office has left us all feeling a little vulnerable…
Existential angst, tiredness and the fact that my arse is throbbing after having fallen down a flight of stairs has not helped. Congratulations to our devoted leader, it was a wonderful occasion…
Anyway, elsewhere I got a puncture this week, one of those shitty little things which happens amidst the depths of a hangover and makes you question the very purpose of life. Now I need a man to fix it because i'm too lazy (incapable) to do it myself as it would probably end up something along the lines of this….
Anyway, at least it hasn't just been me stuck in some sort of mad mental conundrum, it would seem as though others are in a similar boat. Take Actress for example, who this week posted a series of tweets and in turn did the most "Actressy" thing Actress could ever do. A new album on the cards?
Meanwhile nature is as weird and wonderful as ever…. Clive Martin hit the nail on the head…. And I have only this to look forward to…
Anyway enough about me…
This week was a defining moment in science, as important as the moon landing or that big hadron collider thingy which makes black holes. We answered a question which has troubled mankind for a lifetime, one which we never dreamt might be answered in a generation.
Cheese does really taste better with hip hop…
Apparently the luxurious flows of A Tribe Called Quest are the perfect accompaniment to fromage… Eye don't know…
Scottish independence took a big step forwards this week, we are infiltrating from the inside. It's all about the long game… Soon we'll be in charge, one bawhair at a time…
This guy tried to infilitrate in a slightly different way… The Great American Dream…
Poor bastard… but all hope is not lost.
At least Blobby is happy…
That's all, love u xoxo
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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