Jake’s top 8 of 2013

Tis the season of the end of year list. Top 10 straight to box set DVDs. Top 1000 digital deep house labels. Etc. We've decided to go for Top 8 Whatevers. The Top 8 things of the year – be them bacon sandwiches; the top 8 times you stubbed your toe against the f*cking boxes full of useless sh*t your girlfriend insists on leaving in the hallway; and so on and so forth. Each week until the new year, we'll be publishing the Top 8s of the various R$N scribes.
Here are Jake's:

1. Gottwood

I dont know how I ever managed to cope before Gottwood was brought into my life. Even though my feet only graced the Gottwood forest for the first time this summer Im already hooked and cant wait for it be time once again, especially as theyre already teasing us with the line-up. 4 days of outstanding music with 1500 likeminded people in a forest. Dont mind if I do (or did) 

2. Sophie Bipp

There were some strong contenders for my #1 track of 2013 but I think Sophie gets the tip of my preverbial hat. Truly amazing piece of production…

3. Blackfish

Of all the crap TV and documentaries that have gone in one side of my brain and out the other this year, its nice to be able to watch something that sticks and makes an impression. If youre up for watching a very psychologically thrilling documentary about killer whales that are kept in captivity, I'd highly recommend.

4. An Hour of Funny Cats

Not really much to say about this apart from the fact its an amazing way to waste an hour of your day.

5. Alantines @ Brixton Jamm

One cold February night my world was opened to the weird and wonderful ways of ALAN and the greatness that is Brixton Jamm. I dont know how either of these things kept under my radar for so long as Im normally a purveyor of all things intimate and different but Im pleased to say this is no longer the case. Im not gonna lie I dont fully remember the night, but what I do remember is stepping through the doors not knowing anyone on the line-up and coming out the other side with the biggest smile on my face and some really ache-y legs.

6. Breaded Cats

Half funny, half animal cruelty. Who-ever came up with putting a cats head in a slice of bread is a genius. Well, thats a bit of an over-exaggeration but its pretty clever

7. Lil Bub & Friendz Documentary

Another good waste of an hour or so of your time, but with a bit more meaning than the previous hour of cats. This is also a bit less funny and a bit more awww inducing. Okay, they might have both been lies. It doesn't really have nay meaning and it's quite funny. If you're into cats, watch it.

8. Emperor – Begin

A lot of good stuff has come out of dnb label Critical Music this year but one of the stand out EP's for me was Emperor's Begin. I can still remember the first time I heard it get played out in good ol' Cable (R.I.P.)… The vocals of Georgia Yates in the opening track are just amazing. One of the only EP's that's fully stuck in my head this year.