The Ransom Note 100 Of 2017

In a year in which some have opted to swerve the traditional polling system we here at Ransom Note have decided to raise our game, because we’re classy that way… Once again we bring you an end of year list… with a twist.
In absolutely no particular order we would like to take this moment to highlight our favourite moments, music, nonsense and the rubbish which has kept us entertained throughout the post truth era which was 2017. Long may it continue…
However, it’s not all doom and gloom. We here at Ransom Note have had a smashing year bringing you the best in new music, crap memes, political rants and in opening a record shop. Thank you to everyone who has shown this wonderful mess of a magazine some love and helped us up the gears, long may it continue….
Dance music truly is from planet earth, here are the highlights of our year upon the wonderful world of odd…
Let us begin…
100. Tim Westwood shares his credit card details to the world….
Yes, the big dawg truly lived up to his name when he accidentally released his bank details via public snapchat. To be honest he’d probably have rathered it was a picture of his penis. Can you imagine the speed of which he ran to the nearest bank? Man’s on road….
99. Big Bags of Cans
In all shapes and sizes, all over the globe. This was the year in which the triumphant, noble can rose in superiority. Unless it’s a can of Fosters, they are still rubbish…
98. Bullion
Here at Ransom Note we like a man of valiant sensibilities. One who does not take themselves too seriously but has the depth in knowledge to back up the borderline ridiculous. His Deek Recordings label released a rather brilliant compilation of classic covers featuring the likes of Red Axes, Suzanne Kraft, Reckonwrong and Minor Science which is well worth a listen. However, it was the fabulous “Blue Pedro” which captured the heart and soul of British dance music in the age of nonsense. Was it a troll? Was it a statement? Is it just a banging track? Most definitely.
97. The Breakbeat Revival
Rave is back. A number of labels helped us rediscover the glory of the break and a new wave of producers set the tone. Long live hardcore, long live jungle and god bless 140 beats per minute.
96. Magnum Tonic Wine
The drink of absolute predators, trust me, we’ve seen it. Tastes a bit like Calpol with viagra in it, was endorsed most popularly by the grime movement and has assisted in getting us both drunk and erect on a number of occasions… maybe.
95. Sea Lions
It was a year in which nature rebelled, decided to fight back and swallow little girls whole. Sea lions led the charge and Asian men fought valiantly, thrasing around in the waters like deep sea wrestlers.
94. Erick Morillo versus doors
Somehow this managed to slip beneath the radar of many. However, not us. We see you Erick, we see the private jet, the door crashing into your face and the shame which bloomed upon your bald head.
93. The field of wheat
Sometimes when I fall asleep at night I can still hear the sound of the farmer shouting at me and the golden corn whipping my face… Those were the days. Young, wild, free and naughty. Very very very very very very very naughty.
92. Hot Fuzz = Reality
The circumstances of which surround this particular incident are grim. However, being British and laughing in the face of adversity we like to pick apart the fantastic job the police do of protecting us in our big bad cities. Little else needs to be said other than that this is very funny.
91. Jack The Ripper
May well be single handedly keeping our economy upright from beyond the grave. Our office is based on Gunthorpe Street, a popular destination for Jackobites (a colloquial term for anyone who likes Jack) and we’ve become quite the experts… in avoiding large tour groups that is.
90. Bawrut at Sonar
Perhaps our proudest moment to date, thanks to everyone who supported the big man this year.
89. Jeremy ‘Sauna’ ground
There’s something truly special about the world of dance music in a chaotic frenzy. Everywhere you look there appears to be another, even better joke. Jeremy Underground became the butt of several this year when he asked for a sauna, being such a busy guy and all.
88. Everything is better in Ireland
We defy you to deliver a better pre sesh speech than that of this man?
The record label run by Matt Werth out of New York City. Perhaps one of the most influential labels of the present day who were responsible for the release of some of the most genius records this year playing host to music from Visible Cloaks, Pauline Anna Strom, Pep Llopis, Michele Mercure and many many more.
86. The Night Tube
Finally steps were taken to ensure that London left the pre-historic era in which it was impossible to travel by train after dark. First the central line, now the overground, join us in celebration.
85. North Korea
Let’s hope 2018 is the year that we finally go to nuclear war, well up for it.
84. Hardcore never dies
This year we have seen the integration of hardcore dance music legends into modern day culture. Once a genre regarded as the enemy has now been deemed cool and credible. Mumdance back to back with Slipmatt? Yes please.
83. Hackney Humpers
Brave, brazen and bold as brass… until you get caught, named and shamed in the national newspaper and mortified. You lose! Better luck next time…
82. Pint Duck
May be the finest animal of them all, loves Guinness and good chat. Seeks other like minded ducks for swimming, socialising and pints.
81. Clinging desperately to old fame
Really mate? Really? Think it might be time to let this one go now…
80. “Minefield of Poo”
When it comes to dirty protests there are various options. However, there is a degree of admiration to be held for the community of San Francisco who decided to cover the road in turds in order to prevent a far right protest in their city….
““I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop,” Tuffy Tuffington said of the epiphany he had while walking Bob and Chuck, his two Patterdale terriers, and trying to think of the best way to respond to rightwing extremists in the wake of Charlottesville.”
79. The best party of the year
As far as parties go, we’ve seen our fair share. However, this truly will go down in history as perhaps one of the most influential of the past decade. Who said clubbing was dead?
78. This Tumblr…
In an era in which the DJ is regarded as a celebrity it is important to have the coolest press shot. Props are key, the more abstract the better.
77. Unreleased Bwana
A big thank you really goes out to Avalon Emerson & Courtesy for this one after their magnificent set at Sonar. However, it was one track in this mix which stood out particularly, a truly beautiful piece of music destined for greatness. Until it is released in that case and we hear it 1000000000000 times and then proceed to hate it forever. However, for now we give you unreleased Bwana at 17 mins…
76. Moose
Look at this big belter plodding around a golf course.
75. Limmy
The Scottish comedian never fails to impress, surprise, shock, repulse or bore us. A wonderful human being.
74. Shanti Celeste
It’s been incredible to watch the career of Shanti Celeste move from strength to strength but this year really feels like the tipping point for the producer, dj and label boss. With releases on the likes of Apron, Future Times and Idle hands all under her belt this was the year in which she launched her own Peach Discs record label. An imprint which introduced us to some great new talent in the form of Fred, Ciel and Chekov.
73. Hackney Wetherspoons
One of the few places left untouched by gentrification in East London. I wonder why…?
72. Trump has crayon
As far as plugins go this one might be the best of the year, well done to the wonderful team behind this life changing project.
71. Media partnerships went too far
Who thought this was a good idea? How much money was exchanged? Is this what UK garage became? Does Reggie Yates even like golf? So many questions….
70. Lord Buckethead
Politics is dull. Politicians are dull. Lord Buckethead is not. He is the not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed. Because sometimes…the truth isn’t good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Oh, did we mention his manifesto?
69. Palms Trax
Former cheesemonger turned disc jockey. Now there’s a sentence not commonly used, Jay fancy letting us write your next press release? Anyway, this year saw Palms Trax up the gears releasing music on Dekmantel, Secretsundaze and beyond. Sadly he bode a fond farewell to his regular BCR radio show which has been a listening staple of recent times.
68. Meanwhile in India…
Identity theft, murder, fraud and an affair… No this wasn’t the latest in an episode of Eastenders but a real life event which actually happened on this planet. Introducing “Indiaenders”…. We’ll show ourselves out.
67. Larry Heard met big Jez
We don’t really know the back story behind this other than that the founding father of house met everyone’s favourite good guy in the form of Jeremy Corbyn. In all honesty we don’t know whether he had a flaming clue who he was or not but we like the picture.
66. The Greggs advent calendar
“What do you mean you’ve replaced the baby Jesus with a sausage roll? We followed a fucking star for this shit and it’s barely luke warm?”
65. Punching neo nazis
Really it was just one, we here at Ransom Note do not condone violence, even if it is against self important white supremacist idiots. Richard Spencer was punched twice in one day after stating that “America belongs to white men”. Clearly not mate.
64. Bootlegs
In a year in which Discogs wiped bootlegs from its website the dance music community felt the need to commit fraud elsewhere. If we can no long illegally reproduce records then we will illegally reproduce clubs. There, take that.
63. The world is flat
Follow much scientific debate and a lifetime of research a conclusion was made. The earth is now officially flat. At least according to this lot anyway.
62. Eclair Fifi
Perhaps our favourite selector of the year. The Scottish disc jockey has been plugging away for years beneath the surface, collecting music and digging deeper than most. She draws upon a wealth of experience learnt up North and pays homage to the golden era which came before. Her sets champion the underground and she continues to inspire.
61. Mangal 2 on Twitter
Who is the mastermind behind this beautiful feed? Speak now or forever hold your peace. The Dalston restaurant continues to delight on a day by day basis, teaching us important facts and getting us right in the mood for a kebab. Maybe it’s run by the restaurant themself? Somehow we think not.
60. We interrupt this broadcast…
A news reporter based in South Korea was taken by surprise when his children decided to offer their opinion live on the BBC about an impeachment scandal earlier this year. They say that children are the future so why not?
59. Prodigy
An infamous member of the Mobb Deep duo passed away earlier this year at the young age of 42.
“I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous, you heard of us, official Queensbridge murderers. The Mobb comes equipped for warfare, beware, of my crime family who got ‘nough shots to share. For all of those who wanna profile and pose, rock you in your face, stab your brain with your nose bone.”
58. Kim Jong Un looks like he’s playing himself in a film about a “great” North Korean dictator
I know we already mentioned North Korea as a country in its own right. However, we felt the need to reflect on the truly memorable year Kim has had. In between pressing big red buttons he had the chance to go horse riding, play guitar, make desserts and sail the seven seas. What a man.
57. CockTail d’Amore
The record label and longstanding party operating out of Berlin has had a strong 2017 releasing music by the likes of Powder, Kris Baha, Lury Lech and more. Run by Discodromo the pair have managed to showcase a true depth in the variety of their own musical taste and have helped form an admirable community amidst the German capital.
56. Ghostsexual
In an era in which labels are becoming increasingly irrelevant it is sometimes funny to learn of a new one….
55. Journalists gone bad, very bad
Remember that guy who told you we all have to start somewhere? Well, he lied. This is too far and nobody should be shoving drugs up their person in order to bank a job as a music journalist, not unless they want to that is. All applications welcome.
54. Overdosing on education
There is a sense of irony in the fact that a university nearly killed two students after a caffeine experiment went wrong. Most universities try and promote drug safety, not Northumbria.
53. Clubavision
“There have been a lot of highly enjoyable number ones for me in 2017; my first full-on tongue snog with a woman in her 60s, my first ever dance-floor fist-fight at Club Fabric with a drag queen who knocked my pint with her elbow during Ricky V, the Shoom 30th birthday party I definitely went to the other week, #JezWeCan surging further and further ahead at the top of the political table, the death of “Dirty” Bruce Forsyth and the time when Draper bet me that I couldn’t pull fourteen birds in one night at Club Fabric…and I did. Actually, that was same night I got off with the old slapper and broke the drag queens jaw. Cracking night, that. But for me, my ultimate number one thing of 2018 is the Clubavision Facebook page. It speaks for itself.” – Tonka
52. Professor Yaffle
“Professor Yaffle offer an opportunity to be away from the doof-doofs, at least for an afternoon. These psyche-folky-singery-songwritery types are the end of year gift for anyone that has loved the renaissance of fellow Scouser Michael Head over the past few years. There are gaps when you need them, and noises when you don’t expect, plus samples that would fit into a Screamadelica era Weatherall. Top smoking gear la, and approved by David Crosby (Google him you eejit). This album also encompasses their football heritage with a Z-Cars intro. UTFT! And the album has a dog on the cover. Which makes the R$N owner meeow.” – Andrew Thompson
51. Houghton Festival
Craig Richards took us all by surprise when he announced the first in his new festival series. The longstanding fabric resident was entering the unknown and we were all nervously excited for what was very much advertised as the promised land. The festival was a resounding success and set the benchmark for UK festivals moving forward. We take our hats off.
50. Worraz the emu
“He’s an arsehole.”
49. Artwork
We’ve long since admired the comic sensibilities of Mr. Arthur Smith. He makes a fine tune too. However, most importantly we feel that there should be more people like him within dance music.
48. Donald Trump and his colouring book
He draws a bloody good picture so he does. Really, if you don’t believe us have a look at these…
47. Spiderman Conga
“When the whole gang is heading to the afterparty like….”
46. Humans Of The Sesh
A hard hitting Facebook page which could be argued to have greater meaning and depth in years to come. A reflection upon a society and the disenfranchised youth of today. Ah, who cares though… It’s all about cracking a cold one with the boys.
45. Kelly Lee Owens
Perhaps the most played record in the office this year, a truly remarkable debut which demonstrated that pop is still very much alive and well. Who needs a big budget and a ludicrous marketing campaign when your music sounds as special as this. It’s been wonderful to see that so many people have felt the same.
44. October 16th
“As hurricane Ophelia creeps up from the Azores, the London skyline turns apocalyptic yellow. What with autumnal blockbusters still fresh in our minds, social-media feeds are clogged with unimaginative references to Bladerunner whilst frightened children cry at school. Northern Ireland is in lock-down but despite dramatic, golden hues, the storm fails to deliver, which in itself sounds all too familiar …” Chloe C.A.R.
43. This note passed to Theresa May
During her party conference Theresa May was supposed to demonstrate a strong and stable leadership. Instead she was heckled and mocked. All great stuff really.
42. Speicher 100
It’s always remarkable when a record label manages to achieve a monumental figure. The Speicher series has played host to an array of big names across the years and has managed to maintain an incredible level of consistency throughout. When we were reminded of just how many great records have featured as part of the series we simply knew they had to make the list.
41. Prongles
“Once you pop that’s great.”
40. Darren Bent and his great big own goal
There are a number of fantastic mistakes we could have nominated to feature as part of this list but we felt that this took the grand prize.
39. Nostalgic Youtube comments on classic house tracks
A whole page dedicated to those people who tend to pour their heart felt emotions onto the pages of the internet in reference to house music and the days of old. Not for the faint hearted….
38. Le Sucre
As far as clubs and venues go there is something rather special about the Lyon based ex sugar factory. Sat upon the river it is built upon firm foundations and is supported by a dedicated crew of individuals involved in dance music for all the right reasons. A special club with strong sensibilities.
37. The great big flag review
“That guy on Twitter who reviewed every national flag in the world and basically rinsed them all.” – Martin Guttridge Hewitt
36. Earplugs in clubs
“Has anyone else noticed that all the (good) clubs are now actively selling / publicising the fact they sell premium earplugs (at a special exclusive Oval Space / Corsica / [insert club here] discounted price)? (This final point may actually be relevant to the fact we’re a music rag…)” – Steven Tendyra
35. Kendall Jenner Pepsi Advert
“Don’t you fucking dare act like you’re the mediator to all of America’s societal issues, luv.” – Steven Tendyra
34. Treason
“Treason is back in vogue this year and the 1600’s favourite crime, betraying one’s country, is the one everyone who’s anyone is committing. It’s a pretty fucking amusing/confounding scenario – since enacting The Will Of The People™ everyone in the public eye that has even DARED entertain the notion of anything but a megarocksolid brexit has seemingly been accused of treason and called some form of shit-stirring-scum-cum-enemy-of-the-people. FUCKING TREASON. It’s so in.” – Steven Tendyra
33. Activate being a total shitshow
“The Tory attempt to make their own Momentum stole their name from and Altern8 song and had no friends. They got grassed up by one of their own for making jokes about chavs in some private whats app group, because even members of Activate hate Activate, and they justified their existence by making the deadest memes you’ve ever failed to Lol at. They were a complete miserable fuck up they fell apart quicker than you can say snap election, and as such serve as a perfect enapsualtion of our current ruling party.” – Ian McQuaid
32. Drill outfits with completely ungoogle-able names
“2017 was the year grime went 100% Xmas jumpers and novelty catchphrases and nowadays your mum likes Stormzy. Meanwhile in the estates of London loads of crews sprung up with names that were literally nothing but post code numbers (eg 410, 86, 1011, 150, 67 THESE ARE ALL GENUINE). They made music that got attacked by the Mayor of London’s office for glamourising violence, spoke in incomprehensible slang (fyi cheffing someone has nothing to do with Ainsley Harriot) and the majority of their audience were inner city school kids and aging freaks who shuld know better (hiya!). All of this means I can promise you hipsters will be writing wank columns venerating the scene sometime round 2025.” – Ian McQuaid
31. Objekt
Perhaps one of the few truly progressive musicians left within electronic music. A producer who has evolved with age and continues to surprise with each set. From relentless techno to his rather perculiar play of our Bryte single at Panorama Bar earlier this year, he continues to raise the bar without limitation.
30. Big Shaq in the House Of Commons
Labour MP Fiona Onasanya managed to tap into the ever popular ‘youth vote’ by quoting the infamous lyrics coined by Big Shaq in his “Mans Not Hot” smash hit. Whether any of the other politicians got the joke was debatable but the rest of us saw what happened. Oh yes, we did.
29. Aeroplane Smackdown
“You bought a seat?” “So what?”
28. Chicken Sashimi
Insanity or delicacy? A new dish is sweeping its way across Japan and beyond, chicken sashimi. For those of you not familiar with such terminology this means quite simply, raw chicken. People are buying into this crap and defying evolution to date, maybe. Darwinism anyone?
27. K-Hand
Detroit holds a place close to the heart of many. Born and raised in the motor city K-Hand as been a somewhat unsung hero of the house and techno scene, this is despite her having released a sprawling back catalogue of music from as early as 1993. Appearances on the likes of Warp, !K7 and more cemented her place as a producer. However, 2017 was the year in which she managed to truly break free from the confines of the industry and reinforced her presence as one of the finest selectors on the circuit. K-Hand, we salute you.
26. The East London Fatberg
We all did this. We are all to blame. Whitechapel came to a standstill after a monster “fatberg” was discovered lurking beneath our city… the size of three football pitches. Try not throw up.
25. Chavs, Neds and Gangs turn to new weapons
In a year in which acid attacks have been on the rise Glasgow had other ideas. The lightsaber capital of the UK has seen a rapid increase inviolent street fights with many reporting sightings of flashing swords, long cloaks and tiny robots.
24. LCD Soundsystem
Still good. Shit artwork.
23. Fake News
“I was reading in the newspaper this morning… a new dinosaur discovered in washington area, a dimetrodon in uniform – who might be irrelevant to you in 2021, a crepuscular old man, an exquisite failure, a grotesque blond mamal and an appalling speaker / lingua franca / all over the twitter / oh daddy, I caaaan’t ssaaaay thisss… please, spank me! / man often go awry / he’s not that smart, and I am just as ignorant and guilty as everyone of you / YOU DAMN YOU! / I fill water balloons with cottage cheese / I don’t smile much, but I still do have wet dreams / make rome great again! / Fake News / my only source / a maze made of apocalyptical emptiness / this can’t be true / outstanding holidays / and I’m still waiting, Jesus is waiting and we’re all waiting, but passivity won’t change a damn thing / true news / sweet news / who knows what / this blues / is about.” – Sutja Gutierrez
22. Christmas in July
Young Marco brought chills to Farr Festival when he played the greatest record of all time in the form of “Last Christmas” by Wham! Some were enlightened, others were repulsed. My how we all laughed… Here is the explanation which followed…
“YES I played Wham’s Last Christmas (The Pudding Mix) closing Farr festival! Because…Why the hell not? And mostly, because It was FUN! (Remember, that reason why people attend a party) Some geeks on the internet seem to be having a fit about it. Go have a crywank on discogs you melts. There are no rules in this game, including playing x-mas songs mid July! Don’t take this stuff so goddamn seriously, i’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to hear DJ’s close their set with Keep The Fire Burning or whatever. And honestly Last Christmas is a great song with sick production (produced, like most of his work, by the insanely talented GM himself) take some pride in your UK musical heritage. And if you don’t like it, just fuck off to another stage and go watch Floating Points or whatever else was on. Now stop whining and live a little! Pa rum pa pum pum!3-dots-h
YES I played Wham’s Last Christmas (The Pudding Mix) closing Farr festival! Because…Why the hell not? And mostly, because It was FUN! (Remember, that reason why people attend a party) Some geeks on the internet seem to be having a fit about it. Go have a crywank on discogs you melts. There are no rules in this game, including playing x-mas songs mid July! Don’t take this stuff so goddamn seriously, i’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to hear DJ’s close their set with Keep The Fire Burning or whatever. And honestly Last Christmas is a great song with sick production (produced, like most of his work, by the insanely talented GM himself) take some pride in your UK musical heritage. And if you don’t like it, just fuck off to another stage and go watch Floating Points or whatever else was on. Now stop whining and live a little! Pa rum pa pum pum!”
21. #MeToo
“Well it feels very strange picking a phenomenon like the outpouring of women sharing their stories of sexual abuse in a “best of 2017” list but it was one of the most powerful and heart-breaking things to happen on the web this year. Finally it felt like there was some kind of groundswell to give women a voice to stand up and say enough is enough. Whether we see tangible change as a result remains to be seen but all of us no matter what our gender is should take a minute to appreciate the bravery of every woman who participated. Our society (and the music industry in particular) is rife with misogyny and abuse and every little step towards eradicating it is a positive one.” – Joe Europe
20. Don’t Be Afraid
DBA have been one of the most consistently brilliant labels in house and techno for a number of years now, but 2017 was a strong year even by their standards. They put out two of the best techno albums of the year (Differ-Ent and Karen Gwyer) plus another 10 Eps with bombs from Achim Maerz, rRoxymore and label owner Semtek.
19. Endless reissues until the end of time
We are now most certainly in the era of pointless reissues. From entire labels dedicated to reissuing old music (there are actually lots of good ones so don’t hate) to the industry leaders cashing in on the action. Everyone wants the old to be new again.
18. Call Me By Your Name
“Film of the year by a considerable distance. peaches will never taste the same.” – Matt Wickings
17. The new pound coin
It has twelve sides instead of one, rejoice one and all.
16. Britain Furst
This week marked the closure of the controversial, het mongering, immigrant hating Britain First. Fuck those guys. However, in their demise has risen a beautiful online creation from the ashes, Britain Furst. A website dedicated to tricking idiots into faulty beliefs via subtle comedy and tagging Donald Trump.
15. The Pintman
“Some of Dublin’s great pintmen have been known to put away thirty pints or more in a day.”
14. DFA Records
Crooked Man, LCD Soundystem, Factory Floor, Delia Gonzalez, The Juan Maclean, NHK yx Koyxen, Eric Copeland, Guerilla Toss, Perel, Dawn People, Jay Glass Dubs, Essaie Pas, Nils Bech, Marcus Marr and CCFX. Quite the year….?
13. Fyre Festival
Was it a massive con? Was it just poorly planned? Why was Ja Rule involved? One of the most intriguing news stories came in the form of a shambolic festival which left rich revellers out of pocket and stranded in the middle of nowhere amidst scenes which echoed the forthcoming apocalypse. Bad for them, great for us.
12. Unwavering faith in the political system
We could try and write something witty here but the following picture says it better than anything we are capable of writing.
11. Mika Vainio
The loss of an electronic pioneer resonated with many in 2017. Mika Vaino was by no means a high profile figure but his influence over an entire genre helped inspire and enchant a generation. Working alongside everyone from Björk to Suicide’s Alan Vega he cast a spell and helped to define experimentalism in the modern day. Long live Ø.
10. Love International
“Croatia at its finest. tinso! barbarellas! the argonaughty! this year our boat party with optimo and dance beaumont was probably our finest to date. can’t wait to take over the club for the first time next year.”
9. Covfefe
A mysterious word coined by the international king of the cheetos.
8. We Are Europe
Now so more than ever do we need bodies such as this. A community of likeminded individuals and an event series which has hosted talks, workshops, performances and more at a variety of festivals across Europe in an attempt to inspire and arouse overseas creativity amidst a community without borders. A truly noble project and one we are very much behind.
7. Irrational Overreactions
Poor Iran.
6. Everyone’s Irish
Get that passport to fuck, you’re Irish now son!
5. Corsica Studios
“Corsica Studios has been an integral part of the landscape of anyone who has lived in London for the past 15 years. So it was with shock and sadness that we all learned of the sudden death of one of its founders Amanda Moss this year. Adrian Jones, her life partner has been a friend of Ransom Note for many years. He and Amanda gave us one of our first big gigs at Corsica years back putting on a Bush Tetras gig with JD Twitch supporting. It’s their belief in the left of centre that has kept this pocket of the South East and London as a whole still pulsing with creativity as it disappears into a Chai Latte hole. All love to Adrian and Amanda. You made a difference and that’s all that matters in this world. Love and peace xx”
4. Lo fi house
“The sound of the summer.”
3. Virgo Festival
A special event which saw us play host to John Gomez, Bawrut, Job Jobse, Moscoman and more. The guys behind this festival have a lot of passion and represent an ethos of which we are proud to be associated.
2. Jonny Roccos
“When we decided that it was a clever idea to open a record shop down a dark stretch of railway arches in Forest Gate, we had a heart attack that maybe we were alone, surrounded only by broken down BMWs. Thankfully we discovered a beacon of light down the arches in the form of Johnny Rocco’s Bar. Rav and Co. have kept us sane through a combination of amazing burgers, sending punters our way and even going flyering for us on our opening morning. Rocco’s is our new 2018 Forest Gate regular. We then discovered local brewery, Pretty Decent Beer Co. who’s amazing beer we’ve been serving in the record shop since launch. Head brewer James has been nothing but amazingly supportive since the launch and we’ve got big plans for 2018 to do more together.” – Wil & Kieran
1. Dixon
Number one forever and ever and ever until the end of time.