
Art & Culture

Gravity is astonishing. There’s no other word for it. From the opening to the closing shot, your mouth is literally and/or metaphorically open.

The less you are told about it the better. But I can safely say it’s a film set in space. Up there hundreds of miles above our heads, where there is no gravity, no sound and no oxygen. In other words, it’s a space film, emphatically not a sci fi film, because everything happens in the real world without the need for fantasy. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock play  astronauts at work outside their space vessel, when shit happens, and the rest of the film follows inexorably from that point. What is astonishing is the absolute plausibility of what we see. The world that Alfonso Cuaron and his hundreds of assistants have created is the most immersive and thorough you can imagine. Not since Jurassic Park have I been so gobsmacked by what I have seen on screen, and I think Gravity  is even more spectacular. Can I say more? It’s in 3D, and is possibly the first mainstream movie to make full use of that technology. In fact, I can truthfully say that you should not see it in any other form, and certainly not a small screen. If all 3D films were this good, we would all be going, even Mark Kermode. Have I been enthusiastic enough? It’s the talk of Toronto, and could be one of the most successful films of the year. You will want to see it.


Phil Raby

Front Row Films

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