Gabriel García Márquez Doc To Screen In London, starts This Weekend

Art & Culture

GABO: THE CREATION OF GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ is a new documentary produced by Kate Horne, who's previous production credits include Turtle Boy, and the excellent The Imposter (if you haven't seen The Imposter, you're missing out on one of the most remarkable documentaries of recent years..). As you might expect, Gabo tells the story of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombia's most famous author, winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature (for 100 Years of Solitude), and the writer credited with creating the definitive 'magical realism' texts – athough this was a term Marquez himself disliked.

Marquez lived a remarkable life that saw him write from within a country ripped apart by drug wars and associate with presidents on both side of the Iron Curtain – he spent time with both Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro. Essentially, it'd be hard to imagine a film of his life that wouldn't be fascinating.

Screenings of Gabo, with an introducuction to the film from Kate Horne, will take place on the 29th November (8:30pm), 30th November (4:30pm) and 2nd December (6:30pm) at The Bertha DocHouse Screen, Curzon Bloomsbury. Tickets and more details can be found here, watch a trailer below.   

Gabo. The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez from jwp on Vimeo.