Camden Image Gallery Presents ‘Nous Sommes’ And ‘Animal Portraits’

Art & Culture

If you feel in the mood for some culture, or even if you just want to find some respite from the sun (ha, what sun?), or  if you just want an excuse to look at animals, head on down to Camden Image Gallery on June 10th. There, two photography exhibitions, Animal Portraits by Elena Chimonas and Nous Sommes, will be on display.

The larger exhibition, Animal Portraits, will be on display in the gallery's room downstairs. The exhibition will be an opportunity to view the photographs of the ten winners of the worldwide competition Animal Portraits, held in collaboration with The exhibition will also feature 25 of the competitors' work on digital display. Animal Portraits' aim is to enage viewers with vivid colours and intriguing subject matters and to captivate viewers with the emotions of animals.

The second exhibition, Nous Sommes, will feature the works of various photographers with a goal to showcase the urban and the natural. It will explore humans' relationship with nature from a plethora of angels- from how our human contructs intervene with it's natural course to our relationship with animals.

Both exhibitions will be on display from June 10th-16th. For more information on the exhibitions click here.