Ransom Note’s Guide to eating in Tisno (aka Living Well At Love International)

5Minute Read
Art & Culture
Written by Kieran Alington

If the week-long, top-tier, twenty-four hour music programming of stages, boat parties, open air clubs and adriatic sunrise sessions isn’t enough to cement your decision to get on a flight to Love International this year, our Tisno rough guide should seal the deal.

Put together exclusively by Ransom Note’s collective and sometimes fuzzy memory of 10+ years visiting The Garden site in Tisno here’s all the fuel you’ll need for the everlasting summer days and nights in this Croatian seaside jewel.

For the uninitiated, Love International is a seven day programme of music and joy that takes place in the beautiful village of Tisno, around an hour north of Split, or just 30 mins from Zadar. After taking the reins from the long-standing Garden Festival back in 2015 – Love International has become a fixture in the Ransom Note calendar for over a decade.


We’ve been lucky enough to host boat parties, ship out a few thousand flashing maracas, produced a run of slow-selling bespoke towels and programmed night-til-sunrise parties at the infamous Barbarellas and The Olive Grove. This year, we’ll be back with our good pals Dresden joining the Ransom Note crew (codename T.R.A.M.) for an adriatic booze cruise on Saturday.

Final tickets for Love International are available HERE (with a little Ransom Note discount because we’re good to you!) https://tickets.loveinternationalfestival.com/RANSOMNOTEFamilyTickets

Booked? Great, read on to discover our guide to living well at Love International…

One of the unique things about Love International is having such a beautiful little town attached to it. With its location on the Adriatic Sea Tisno and the adjoining island of Murter and its proximity to local wine & food regions, has plenty of amazing restaurants that make the most of the incredible local produce.

Here’s our pick of the best of the best…

Konoba Tereza

Best steak in town. Great staff. Often followed by a few too many shots of the local grappa with the owner.

Location : HERE


Konoba Boba

A 15 minute cab up to Murter for fancy fancy fish, great wine and good times.

Location : HERE


Restoran Prova

Idyllic location, great fish plates, good wine. Order the boat taxi from here onto site if you’re feeling flash.

Location HERE



Is this still going? Go for the name alone if so.


Hotel Tisno

For those not in a rush for breakfast. Great staff. Great Coffee. Sure to see almost everyone you know.


Wabi Sabi

On-site restaurant, good recharge spot, DJs/crew takeovers on the terrace (shameless plug – Ransom Note taking over Thursday evening)


Tiki Bar

No walk on/off site is complete without at least once stopping in at the Tiki Bar or a daytime swim at the mini beach in front.


Valentino’s for the Facebook Flavoured Ice Cream

Tastes like overzealous profiling and election interference.