The Masked Ball Announces Telephones, Psychemagik & Francis Inferno Orchestra for 2019

Art & Culture

Set to take place between the 3rd and 5th of May next year, the Cornwall based music festival has revealed a promising and exciting array of names as part of their initial announcement for 2019. The first wave of acts includes Norwegian cosmic disco purveyor Telephones, Australian house aficianado Francis Inferno Orchestra, Psychemagik and Felix Dickinson. 

The festival will take place in the idyllic countryside on the South West coast in the height of spring next year, it has been widely championed and praised for it's beautiful setting and intriguing line ups in previous years. 

Other names announced for the next edition of the festival include London based party purveyors and heavy hitters Body Hammer, Love International founder and Futureboogie Records boss Dave Harvey, Kiwi, Ere Wax and Viscera and many more. 

The festival is offering an all star competition in line with the first release of names, for the chance to win tickets and more visit this link and follow the instructions. 

More details and tickets can be found HERE