Bad Passion Project Held to the Ransom note Mix


"The mix was recorded live on a miserable tuesday night somewhere in a flat somewhere in Dalston much to the dismay of flatmates and neighbours who had no option over than to grin and bare it until the small hours when we finally put the thing to bed. It's a pretty fair represenation of what you'll here when we play at our own nights or as good an idea as we can put across in a 1 hour mix. 

Old, New, Borrowed, blue Up and down  etc all washed down with a few asahi and a couple of bottles of cheap plonk and not as nearly as much bickering as usual which in itself is an achievement. We might eventually be growing up a little although those closest to us may suggest otherwise. 
In addition we've just started a new podcast which will be updated every couple of weeks the 1st couple of which have been done by Felix Dickinson and Soft Rocks which can be subscribed to and downloaded via the new site 
See you all down for the 4th birthday this Saturday 17th Nov feat Soft Rocks and ourselves." Chris (Bad Passion)
Happy 4th Birthday Bad Passion! 
See you on the weekend…

Full details here.

Mix with download here… 


or mixcloud if you'd prefer here.