Dense & Pika Remix Paul Woolford Classic


Try and get your head round the fact that the original of Erotic Discourse came out 8 years ago. 8 years! Sweet Jesus! That's longer than Myspace existed… Still, 8 long years ago, Paul Woolford made his name with Erotic Discourse, possibly the finest accompaniment to a night on the Nitrous known to man. Now Hotflush are readying a remix 12", with the unique boinging riffs of Discourse receiving the once over from a couple of rising names – wonky leftfield producer Kowton, and hyped new techno duo Dense & Pika.

Kowton delivers a typically freakish and cerebral mix, which is probably more appealing to the home listening massive than it is to anyone looking to cut some shapes. Dense & Pika have gone down a more traditional route, ramping up the bolshy-ness of the drums, and chucking in a spring loaded breakdown or two. It's all good clean fun, and available to get on 12" from Hotflush at the end of the month – give the Dense & Pika a cheeky listen below.