Comedy Slice #50

Art & Culture

In the words of GreenDay – wake me up when September ends. Well, as next week is pretty much the end of September it is time to come out of that brief hibernation accept that this weather is here to stay and kick start October with some cracking comedy. 

Friday 27th – Knock2Bag East – Rich Mix – 8 Advanced

After a mini summer interlude, Knock2Bag East is back, and they are not taking any prisoners as they kick off their Autumn season with a stellar line up of comedians. The renowned Kim Noble, Foster Best Newcomer Nominee  deadpan Liam Williams, the hot new comedy duo The Pin,  rising star Phil Wang, the surreal Oram and Meeten, and regular MC Ed Gamble – will all be causing a ruckus down the Bethnal Green Road next Friday. Better go see what all the noise is about

Wednesday 25th – In Cahoots! – Hen & Chickens – 8.50 Advanced 

I’m not sure how to break this to you dear reader, but this comedy duo did start in Footlights. (World crumbles) But wait just a second, just because Cambridge’s finest are not amongst them doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be good. In cahoots debut show at the Fringe received rave reviews and five stars across the board. And really what’s not love about tongue-in-check, fast paced sketches? Paul Raymond and Luke Manning deserve your attention and attendence. 

Thursday 26th – Comedy Knights Chelsea – Beaufort House Private Member’s Club – Free

Oh hello private member’s club, don’t mind if I do pop in for a spot of comedy. No, I will not be buying that cocktail for 20 quid, although it does look tasty…organic vodka from the hills of Hampstead you say? Go on then, I’ll have two while I flip my hair about a bit.  Anyway whose on the bill tonight then? Critically acclaimed Alfie Brown, Ben Van Der Velde, Ben Clover and Dan Green. A delightful line up and its free, so you have nothing to lose. 

Holly Hyde-Smith