This WEEK… NOrth korean tourism,popcorn chairs, glue sniffing, farewell nhs& 40 years of themobile phone


This is the most ideological, most right-wing and plain nastiest government Britain has ever had. It is cutting its way into a triple-dip recession, shrinking the public services we all rely on, and attacking benefits…
All this as we live through perhaps the gravest economic crisis any of us has ever seen. A crisis that wasnt caused by teachers having gold-plated pensions or because teachers sat around the staff room awarding each other obscene bonuses, living the life of Riley and putting down bets with other peoples money.

It was a crisis caused by the greed of bankers, by growing inequality and falling living standards propped up by unsustainable private debt and by too much economic power being concentrated in the hands of too few.” Frances OGrady 

“Farewell to the NHS, 1948-2013: a dear and trusted friend finally murdered by Tory ideologues” 
Owen Jones

“People share rooms quite commonly – my boys share a room.” Grant ‘Down with the public millionaire’ Shapps

Quick break up all the darkness with some light…

I could go on about the shit state of what’s going on with Korea but I’m not informed enough to say anything new so instead head to North Korea’s  for some great reading:
Check these beauties…
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a genuine workers’ state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.” 

“KFA Delegation

KFA trips have become popular amongst our KFA members as well as other people, who are welcome to join, to experience North Korea outside the tourist trail and have interaction with North Korean citizens first hand.A visitor joining the KFA Delegation is not treated as a tourist but as a friend of the DPRK, having access to places, information, insights and events not allowed for regular visitors”

“The capital has been called as one of the “8 Scenic Wonders of Korea” for its splendid views. Clear River Taedong and its branches harmonizing with hills like Mangyong and Moran create a whole wonderland. It is the cradle of Korean nation and culture… It is blessed with Mangyongdae, native home of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Il Sung University where the revolutionary achievements of General Kim Jong II are associated. Pyongyang is richer in monumental structures including the Grand Monument on Mansu Hill and the Tower of Juche Idea.”
Gold… let’s all go!

“An overwhelming majority of people do not think they could live on 53 a week – but rich people are more likely than poor people to believe it is possible.” Interesting survey

Right, enough of the heavy shit – it has been a week of it – we need to move forwards with a bit more lightness…

?So then 40 years of the mobile… what a great state we’re all in as a result of it… hang on I’ve just got an email, 2 secs. Look I know we were having a really indepth conversation but this is more important. Oh hang on there’s a text too and a notification that someone’s added me on LinkedIn… just bear with me. Bring back these mate… that’s what I say.

Popcorn chairs…
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Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue anyway…

I want one of these… Bacon alarm clock… utterly useless but I want one.

New friend for his majesty…

He’d shit his pants.

Spain apparently… I need to see it

Something to do till the weather clears up you say?

The cohort and I last weekend…

Cloud lit up by lightning…

?Pretty obsessed with these two tracks at the moment… 

Oooh Omar…

The first good pop record I’ve heard for a long while. There was me shouting and screaming abotu fKKKKKKKKKKKing trance n b and along comes Justin prove that pop music’s corpse isn’t entirely rotten just yet…goes a bit weird at the end but…