Premiere: Zillas On Acid – Should_Must (Anatolian Weapons Stages Of Late Pacifism Remix) [Neubau]

5 Minute Read
zillas on acid

Zillas continue their slow-motion death disco and ACID across the galaxy with a little help from Anatolian Weapons

The Zillas on Acid, with tentacles green, Performed the Should Must in a manner unseen,
With Anatolian Weapons they danced through the night, In Stages of Late Pacifism, a curious sight!

The honorary Zilladelphian’s Remix was grand, As acid-soaked sluggers took over the land,
The Dude of Stratosphear played tunes with such flair,  While glitched-out vibrations hummed through the air!

“The Magic of the State!” they chortled with glee, In their dubby Zone of Its Own, wild and free,
“Drones Go Home!” they bellowed in bass, As new beat bumpers shook the whole place!

Old Sam Berdah mastered the Wall with great care, While Mars Hum signals came from everywhere,
The ultradimensional super-stack grew, As Neu Bau presented this madness anew!


Mars Hum Remixes by Zillas on Acid drops March 21, 2025, featuring three reimaginings from their 2024 NEUBAU EP. Honorary Zilladelphian ANATOLIAN WEAPONS transforms “Should/Must” into an acid-soaked slugger that defies gravity,

Slow-motion death disco, dubbed-out drum machine rhythms, and ACID across the galaxy.

Listen below:


Zillas on Acid – Mars Hum Remixes

Release Date: March 21, 2025
