Premiere: Prizefight & Trustee – Basilisk

5 Minute Read
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Frenetic energy with more bounce for the ounce.

Weaving and winding it moved through the jungle with devilish pace.

Yet to the naked eye you might never know that it was slipping beneath the surface. On the ground and in the rivers the basilisk was king – a scaly creature with a pointed tongue. It’s venomous power was enough to floor even the heartiest of prey.

As the sun beat down upon this desolate place it remained anonymous, almost invisible.

For only a handful of people had ever seen the basilisk, some even believed it to be a myth. However, the reason so few had caught a glimpse of this magnificent beast was because once you had you weren’t likely to be left behind to tell the tale…


High energy material on Hardline. Bouncy and energetic sounds which will echo and cause damage in the club – Prizefight & Trustee are on to a winner.

Listen below: