Premiere: Andre Zimmer – Wait A Minute

5 Minute Read

Futuristic grooves with a nostalgic twist and old school samples.

The clock was ticking but for how long. The arena was packed, many were on their feet watching the fight unfold before their eyes. The ring was illuminated with a fabled, foggy glow as the two dancers weaved and wobbled upon their feet for all to see. It were as if they were caught up in some strange movement, a rhythm which bound them seamlessly yet unknowingly.

Then there was only one minute left. No time left to wait.

One of them would soon be forced to make their move. To commit to the ending and see the finale out. One last throw of the dice for better or worse.


Andre Zimmer is set to release a wicked EP on SEVEN which features futuristic grooves and old school samples in tandem. How does that work you ask? Well we don’t know but it does. A rockin’ EP for fast paced clubs which haven’t lost their sense of fun.

Listen below: