Premiere: Studio Natura – Agents Against Agency

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Ominous bass music at its very best.

One by one they entered the room – each looked more menacing and threatening than the last. They’d been on the run for so long now that they had forgotten what the full force of the law might look like if it ever caught up with them. Now they were here, the agents of agency, destined to shut them down.

They began to run, the sound of rampant footsteps in pursuit behind. They weaved between corridors and stairwells, seeking an escape to the darkness of the street outside.

If they were caught, it would all be undone. Everything that they had built and worked for would be unwritten, the world reset once more.


Studio Natura releases a wicked, bass driven EP on tactual – a hypnotic affair with ominous undertones and enough rumble to cause a commotion.

Listen below: