Music musings 29/1
Chill, flex, feel the full effect… you need to slow your speed, stop the nonsense!
Someone said to me that I looked like a bit of ‘Social’ kid recently, when I told them I’d cut my teeth on London clubs down Turnmills on a Sat night all those many moons ago… which got me to thinkin! I hadn’t listened to either of those first two Live @ The Social CDs for ages… so I dug em out and they’re fukkin belters! Youtube search ensued and I came across this – hilarious. Yeah I’ll just video my stereo with my feet up I reckon… not much else to do eh? Anyway, in my ever increasing canon of depressive material continues. Do I need to stop this now? I think so… What about the absolutely sublime Plastic People from Four Tet’s new album. Essential. Great Eno documentary on the other night… if you’re a boring old muso! Check it out ican’tbearsedtowatchnormaltvanymoreplayer
So, who’s coming down to the N-Dubz audition with us then… in fact, Fin have you sorted that out yet? In the maudlin state of mind I’ve inhabited recently I’ve been back to Tom Waits’ Swordfish Trombone – not that maudlin at all to be fair… massive tho. Speaking of massive, download Weatherall live in Birmingham from last year… a testament of why he’s one of the unsung heroes of… well, everything! Saw These New Puritans at Rough Trade last week, they were good, the album is better. Buy it now! Good article about xx live from a yanks perspective. Odd but good
Hmm, completely missed Weird War – probably a bit ‘cool’ in a vice like way for me but pretty good all the same. I ended up there from a friend telling me about ‘Pancake Mountain’ (check the video section on there) – oddness indeed. Sample NJoi Original Gwen Guthrie – Good. The Juan Maclean album’s ace innit… Ian should be reviewing the massive new single here somewhere, not sure if it’ll sneak on this week… hmm!
Oh my lord, check Jim’s review of Beach House elsewhere on here – I’ve just been myspazzing em up… amazing… makes me dream of the summer lying in a field having drunk too much cider…
Ta ta
Wil x
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