Will Lister launches Heald Recordings with an LP released in three parts
London-based DJ and producer Will Lister has launched his new label, ‘Heald Recordings’, with a 6-track LP of his own material, carefully pieced together over three consecutive parts.
The trilogy of two-trackers explore concepts and sounds rooted firmly in club culture focusing on the atmosphere and emotion, and encouraging the curious exploration of the sonic landscape.
The label itself will not be restricted by functionality, instead encouraging an esoteric approach that is “inspired by organics, driven by metallics”. Each release will be accompanied by other physical objects, designed in conjunction with the label, artist, and prospective collaborators.
In the case of this release, there will be a limited run of custom designed candles made in collaboration with Bristol-based candle company Milkman, which will serve as a sustainable physical alternative to pressing the record to vinyl.
Providing an open access approach to the music release process, Heald Recordings will also give the opportunity to gain access to the original project files and stems of a number of the tracks from the series, titled ‘heald_open’, so people can use, rework and reimagine the originals.
Will Lister, who’s output ranges from intimate, experimental textures to deep club-driven soundscapes, has previously released music on Shanti Celeste’s Peach Discs and All Centre.
Heald Recordings release schedule: HLD001 – 26th February 2021, HLD002 – 26th March 2021, HLD003 – 23rd April.
Pre-order HERE.
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