Premiere: Bufi – Concrete & Jungle


Things had changed since people had got word of the untouched beauty of this forest. Once it had been home to all manner of birds, bugs and animals, blissfully unaware that they would soon be pushed out of their home in favour of humanity. Where tree branches once sprawled and thick green ivy had laced its way into the crumbling brickwork of ancient pathways, now glass buildings towered overhead and chain coffee shops teamed with tourists getting their morning caffeine fix. Regeneration had taken over, gentrification had creeped in. The endless battle of man vs nature.

For their seventh release, Vienna-based imprint Belly Dance Services enlist the talents of Mexico's Bufi AKA Theus Mago. Titled Baile Muerto, the EP flaunts Bufi's signature take on modern dance music; at times dark and hypnotic and at others bright, percussive and tropical-tinged. Both original tracks on the release are backed up by two remixes, one from label heads Hanzo & Yaman and another by Multi Culti boss Thomas Von Party.