Premiere: Filter Dread – RX 4 Real


The volume unit was perched precariously at the side of the stage, it acted as an omen for the noisy. That night the rumble would sound out deep within the venue and people would gather amidst the mist and the black to dance and wander aimlessly through the creative landmine which was utopia. Real expression was forgotten a long time ago, now the world was simply a reflection of what lived amidst the internet online, what the pretty people did and the pretty people saw. In this space the dance was all that was left, in freedom and in spirit. 

Filter Dread is set to release a new EP for Tech Startup, an up and coming label which seems to hold real promise for the future. Risk taking and forward thinking, this new EP intrigues and delights. 

Listen below: 

Visit the Tech Startup Bandcamp HERE