Snow White vs Snow White smackdown
Snow White vs Snow White smackdown
In that wonderful way so familiar to Hollywood, there are two films currently being trailered at cinemas, which are both based on the story of Snow White. My question is, which one will rule? (PS I have an answer).
On the one hand, we have this:
This looks reasonably dark, stars Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart (escaping from Twilight) and Chris 'Thor' Hemsworth. Supporting actors include Bob Hoskins, Eddie Marsan, Toby Jones and Ray Winstone. There is a sense in the trailer that there will be a degree of danger and violence, and that Theron's queen might be a nasty piece of work.
On the other hand, there is this:
Here the queen is played by Julia Roberts, who seems determined to prove that she poses as much threat as a sleeping hamster, and also that She and She Alone is the star of the film. Snow White is played by unknown English actress Lily Collins, who is clearly not in Julia's league, while the Prince is labrador-a-like Armie Hammer.
Now you could argue that these films are appealing to different audiences – Mirror Mirror is, I imagine, designed for a younger audiences, while Snow White and the Huntsman is aimed at the recovering-from-the-loss-of-Twilight market. Nonetheless, it does seem very odd (as it always does) that a supposedly efficient high tech industry such as Hollywood could allow two projects to evolve simultaneously, and then be released within weeks of each other. Surely they will cannibalise each other's markets.
The only advantage I can see for the Julia vehicle is that the film is directed by Tarsem Singh who made the wonderful The Fall, although he also made Immortals which is terrible. Otherwise it looks painfully arch and unfunny, while the Theron/Stewart film looks more fun. We shall find out later this year.
• Content supplied by the excellent Front Row Films website – check the site and join up for many more reviews and general all-round film goodness.
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