Asking For A Friend #102
As the Earth continues to slowly circle the bowl of the celestial toilet, floating ever closer to its eventual demise, sometimes we're just in need of a good old-fashioned pick-me-up. Something to brighten the spirits and make your day just that little bit more bearable. Reader, this is the last place you should be looking. What you about to witness are a compendium of images so horrifying, so utterly depraved, that simply to glance upon them will make your skin turn inside out and your organs evacuate. But let's be honest you've probably stopped reading this introduction and gone straight to the funny pictures. LOL. So, without further ado, this is Asking For A Friend…
Is this romantic and shit?
Asking for a friend.
If bigfoot don't exist, how do you explain this photo of one borrowing a cup of sugar?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone looking for a double room to rent in Harringey? Broadminded singles only.
Asking for a friend.
If you use a gold bin liner, will the neighbours realise you're better than them?
Asking for a friend.
How do you make this into a poster?
Asking for a friend.
Will sellotaping Frazzles to your arm help wean yourself off tasty bacon sandwiches?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone need a remix?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone order a fucking McDonald's?
Asking for a friend.
If you wear this will people realise you're better than them?
Asking for a friend.
Are oranges named orange because they're orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone want some imaginary friends?
Asking for a friend.
Am I doing it right?
Asking for a friend.
Is there something strange… in my neighbourhood?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone for a sniff and a tear up later?
Asking for a friend.