Asking For A Friend #100


This is it, the big one, the hundredth edition. It's taken a long time to get here and a lot of soul searching has gone in along the way. However, there is still more to learn. More questions to be asked, stones to be turned and answers to be learnt. By now you already know what happens next, we ask the questions you want to know the answers to but have been too afraid to ask. We dig deep through the dirt and dark recesses to unveil truth and fact. 

This is Asking For A Friend…

Is eating a pizza whilst wearing German trainers and listening to Hungarian new post wave 'cultural appropriation'? 
Asking for my confused liberal friend.

Anyone want to buy an authentic Fox's Glacier Mint?
Asking for a friend.

Anyone want to buy Liam Gallagher tickets? £350 each.
Asking for a friend.

Anyone else have these following you after smoking DMT?
Asking for a friend.

Why are all these cats following me?
Asking for a friend.

Is this safe to eat?
Asking for a friend.

Anyone fancy a late summer drink?
Asking for a friend.

Is this a good look for the beach next week if you don't want to be recognised?
Asking for a friend.

Any idea?
Asking for a friend.

Anyone know what kind of spider this is?
Asking for a friend.

How do you get a photo removed from the Internet?
Asking for a friend.

Are these balearic? 
Asking for a friend.

Anyone want to buy an artisan DJ bag?
Ideal for carrying WAVs or mp3s.
Asking for a friend.


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