Influences: Pye Corner Audio


Pye Corner Audio's continual evolution as an electronic artist has been nothing short of remarkable to observe. Experimentation and intricacy has remained at the forefront of his musical focus in recent years, this has been reinforced by the various use of aliases and self presentation. His next release is forthcoming on Ghost Box at the tail end of July and features him under the moniker of The Head Technician. We caught up with Martin Jenkins to talk influences. Here are his selections…

Buy the new Head Technician LP HERE

Kraftwerk - Kometenmelodie 2

So electronic, yet sounding completely human. Hazy, phasey euphoria!

  • Kraftwerk - Kometenmelodie 2

    So electronic, yet sounding completely human. Hazy, phasey euphoria!

  • The Human League - Being Boiled

    I heard this on John Peel’s show years after it was first broadcast, and was taken aback by how raw it sounded. Real synthesis.
    I was, and still am a fan of the Dare era, but this was something else entirely. It doesn’t hurt that Phil Oakey has one of the best voices in pop music.

  • 69 - Microlovr

    The whole “Lite Music” EP is an important one for me, but this track stands out for its sheer warmth and depth of emotion. The combination of slow motion pads underneath the frenetic, delayed rhythm is wonderful and gets me every time.

  • Mr Fingers - Can You Feel It

    I wouldn’t have heard this until a few years after it was released, probably around 1990. It sounded so ahead of its time and I think that’s down to it’s simplicity. It sounds contemporary today, and the bass line started my love affair with that Roland square wave.

  • Led Zeppelin - Friends

    So haunting. I love Led Zeppelin, especially when they take the dark path. It’s the string arrangement that makes this. Combining those strings with the incredibly low tuning on the guitar evoke a real sense of dread.

  • John Carpenter: Assault On Precinct 13 (Main Title/Julie)

    I started watching his films around the age of 14, and didn’t pay much attention to the scores at that point, if I’m honest. I started to realise that a huge part of my enjoyment came from the music. They are still unique, as film scores go.

  • Demdike Stare - Jannisary // Modern Love 2009

    I’m an avid fan of everything Demdike Stare have a hand in. The atmosphere and tone of their output is just pitch perfect. Beautiful, dark sound-worlds that no one else comes close to.

  • Dan Curtin - Spliffed

    Again with the square wave bass. Hearing this always takes me back to when I first moved up to London. My flat mate had decks, and we’d spend most evenings DJ-ing to an empty front room…

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