First Listen: Saycet – Half Awake (Extended, Feat Yan Wagner & Phoene Somsavath)


There's a wonderful point each morning in which you're not entirely sure whether or not you;ve woken up for the day. Sure, your surrounding looks like your normal bedroom but everything feels a little hazy and it seems as though something just isn't quite right. No matter, best get up and out anyway – once you get past the dragon in the doorway it should be… Hang on, maybe you're still asleep.

What's so wonderful about this state is that it's a time of the day where literally anything is a possibility, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. Why would you want to wake all the way up when doing half the job feels twice as good? It'll feel even better if you find yourself in this state while istening to these new sounds from Saycet as they celebrate toeing the line between being awake and asleep. Open up your ears, close your eyes just a little bit and take a deep breath – you're going to enjoy this;

Mirage – B-Side is out on 16th October via Meteores Music/!K7 Records. Catch Saycet in the UK at the following date/location combinations;

27/10 London @ Birthdays
28/10 Newcastle @ Cluny
29/10 Glasgow @ Hug & Pint
30/10 Manchester @ Fallow Cafe