Free Download: Dave Hargadon – Solace


Remember when getting something for free meant you had something to pop in your pocket and take home with you after a long day of playing outside in the glorious sunshine? Alright, we're exaggerating for effect here but we all surely remember that wonderful feeling that only comes when something hasn't cost you a penny and you're able to hold it firmly in your hands and call it yours.

Sadly the day of the physical world seems to be tearing away from us BUT there are still plenty of free things to be had that are well worth getting your hands on – such as this beauty of a track from Dave Hargadon which you're able to download for less than a penny right here. It might not be quite the same as having something in your hands but we reckon you'll love this just as much;

LDRX2 is out now via Lunar Disko.