Arto Lindsay And More Set For Cafe Oto

Art & Culture

Loud noises!

Arto Lindsay thrashes away at his guitar once more for public entertainment, as he continues to trample down the borders of art and music.

Born in the USA but raised in Brasil, the songwriter/producer/vocalist/guitarist has been challenging audiences with his music since the 70's when he formed the seminal, abrasive No Wave group DNA, and created music that fused his challenging self-taught guitar style with bossa nova and samba rhythms. Later music such as his solo projects from the late 90's, began to feature his frail, waivering voice in their quieter sections, which became the distinctive counter point to his noisey thrashing. 

The second experimental performance for this evening at Cafe OTO will be from Ashley Paul. The American composer, performer and multi-instrumentalist uses saxophone, clarinet, voice, guitar, bells and percussion to create free flowing and intricate melodies. With her will be Michael Speers, a percussionist who utilises feedback and loop pedals in his live performance.

This will be happening on 1st August at Cafe OTO. Find out more info about this event here.