Mogwai Announce Food Bank Donation Drive


Some people in the world seem to just have their hearts in the right place and it looks though Scottish post-rockers Mogwai have hearts so big that they'd even rival the three-times-as-big blood-pumper that resides in the chest of a certain newly-reformed Grinch.

At their sold-out celebrations of turning 20, the band will be collecting non-perishable, in-date food items before they take to the stage at Glasgow’s legendary Barrowlands Ballroom on Sat 20th, and Sunday 21st June. The food will then been distributed across food banks throughout the city to help those who need it the most. If that wasn't nice enough, the band are also donating £1000 to the fund – something that perhaps other bands should see as an example to help out their fellow men and women.

If you are planning to attend either show, you can donate your items at the front of the venue. This will be clearly sign posted. They will also be collecting cash donations, if you are unable to bring food items.

Items that are currently in demand include…
Tinned meat
Tinned fish
Tinned vegetables
Tinned fruit
Pasta sauce 
Ladies sanitary products
Toliet roll

In the immortal words of Spike Lee, do the right thing.

Find out more about the donations on Mogwai's website.