Max Pask (Aka Maxime) – The Ransom Note ‘Shine A Light On’ Mix
This week we're shining a light on Brooklyn based Frenchman, Max Pask aka Maxime. Pask curates a finely crafted, synth-led noir sound and has just dropped an EP with Meant label head Remain which was released on the label this month. Pask also holds strong ties with NYC's Throne of Blood for which him and Remain have already released a fine outing on.
If you've got an hour spare any time soon then we've got the perfect way to you to spend it. All you need to do is click play on the mix below and you can spend just over 60 minutes surrounded by a mix put together by the excellent Pask. Starting off strong and not dipping for even a second, while you tune in you can read on as Max tunes out over the sheer ridiculousness of our line of questioning.
But before you read another word, get this on. Word.
Please introduce yourself:
Who are you?
Hi, Max Pask Here.
Where are you?
In NYC, my home for the last 15 years (originally from Paris).
What are you?
I play records, make records, and also I help put out other people’s records on a label called Throne of Blood which is owned by the Rapture guys and my good friend James Friedman.
What do you do to take it to the max?
I get out of bed.
Max Power – great name or hairdryer setting?
In my world a reference to a classic Simpsons episode.
Have you seen Mad Max yet? Is it as good as people say it is? If you haven't, what do you imagine it is like?
Have not seen it yet. I love the original version though. I can’t comment on something I have not seen, so I'm afraid Max has nothing to say about Mad Max. Bummer for you.
How long can you hold your breath underwater?
Quite long, and thanks for asking. Whenever I find myself at a place with a pool, I challenge whoever’s there to swimming as many lengths of the pool underwater as possible.
I always win.
Thick socks, thin socks or no socks at all?
How many coffees can you have before you can see your heart beating in your chest?
There won’t be many more heartbeats inside your chest if you keep asking me questions like this one…
Should forks have 3 or 4 prongs?
3 or 4 heartbeats is what you have left. That’s an optimistic estimation. I might be wrong though, maybe you have five.
Describe your love for music without using the letter 'e’.
Have you ever been on a digger?
I’m digging your grave right now.
When was the sandwich created?
It was created when some rich guy called Count Sandwich didn’t have time to move into his dining hall because he was busy with a card game. He told his kitchen staff to wrap his dinner between two slices of bread. This adorable anecdote is about 46% accurate. Fill in the blanks.
Have you had enough of this nonsense and would you like to start talking about music?
Where was the mix recorded?
Recorded might not be the appropriate term. I “Put it together” in my computer which is in my studio which is in Brooklyn which is in New York City.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
Two ears and a brain to process it all.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
The last track on the mix: “No More Ogm” by Krikor, it is at least ten years old, and it’s not my “current favourite”, it’s an “all time fave” of mine.
What's your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Optimo’s double CD mix on Kill the DJ, the Playgroup Party Mix, Rub’n’Tug’s jams, my old cassettes recorded on Radio FG and Radio Nova back in the 90’s.
Have I mentioned Optimo yet?
Every mix by Optimo.
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
If I had that kind of superpower I would use it to relive bits of history where no DJs would be involved.
What's more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
What’s more important? The question you start with or the question you end with? If you tell me yours it’ll tell you mine. You must go first though, that’s non-negotiable.
What were the first and last records you bought?
The first record I ever bought was “Groove Is In The Heart” by Dee-Lite. I was really hoping to find the cassette single at my local FNAC but they didn’t have it so I picked up the 12” because I figured I could sneak in my brother’s room and play it on the turntable from his stereo, or even the one in the living room. The last one I bought is so good but I forgot the name of it. It’s got a yellow label and I like the “club mix”, that’s all I remember about it. I picked it up at a great new record store opened by Tom Noble just a few blocks from my studio in Brooklyn called Superior Elevation. If you’re into buying records and visiting NYC, you most definitely want to check that spot out.
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
Marshmallows dipped in liquid valium.
If it was an animal what would it be?
A bear who skipped two winters of hibernating.
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?
Nothing’s impossible you dummy.
Upcoming in the world of Maxime?
I guess I’m only Maxime with Remain and on my passport which I managed to lose tonight, by the way.
The rest of the time I’m Max Pask so… A couple of remixes for Colder and It’s A Fine Line, as well as a new signing on TOB called Hey Rube!
Trying to finish other solo stuff and collaborations with other musicians that have been passing through the studio here in Brooklyn.
Anything else we need to discuss?
Here is one of Max's recent facebook profiles. What a beauty:
Maxime & Remain's Lost It EP is out now – grab your digital copy here and vinyl here.
1. Daniele Baldelli & DJ Rocca – Ivan Smagghe crossed Edit
2. Roman Flugel – Prinzessin X
3. Etienne Jaumet – Metallik Cages – GilbR Club Mix
4. Maxime & Remain – Lost It – Johnson Remix
5. The Railway Raver – Big Thorax at dawn
6. Siriusmo – Femuscle
7. Jackethat – Late Line
8. Jimi After – Master Of The City
9. Clap Rules Feat Rene Love – Faces
10. Joe Goddard – Jump
11. Eric "Dunks” Duncan – Nerve Control
12. Tornado Wallace – Kangaroo Ground
13. Krikor – No More OGM
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