This Week… Special Delivery, D. Mail Free Zones, Comforting The Btch & How Far Away Is Ohio?


“The world is the biggest thing… in the world ” JC

“If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.” A Einstein

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” L. Da Vinci

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” W Faulkner

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." D Tutu

"People will conclude that to make their sums add up the Tories would do what they always do – raising VAT again and putting our NHS at risk.”

"Don’t switch up the names on me. You keep saying Iran and Iraq, I’ve been hearing these names for a few years and let me tell you, you can’t solve the problem by just swapping a ‘q’ for an ‘n.’ The enemy is the enemy. " T. Cotton I-ran and I-raq: what's in a letter?

This is a motherfucking website.
And it's fucking perfect.
Seriously, what the fuck else do you want?

Watch this… watch it!

“The chancellor argues that because he is committed to £12bn of welfare cuts and £5bn of anti-tax-avoidance measures the required cuts to public service spending are much more modest.

“But if he really wants us to believe that, then he needs to be more explicit about how he actually thinks he can cut welfare spending and raise substantial additional sums from clamping down on tax avoidance.”

“The Tories have said today that they won’t tell us where their welfare cuts will come from until after the election. People will conclude that to make their sums add up the Tories would do what they always do – raising VAT again and putting our NHS at risk.” P. Johnson

Make your own Cameron poster

Why have socially conscious songs become a thing of the past?


More Jeremy?

With his casual racism, a bottomless well of obnoxious views to draw upon and his logic-defying status as a national treasure, Jeremy Clarkson is either considered to be genius or a douche-bag. But which opinion holds sway?

Happily, the answer is at hand thanks to a clever bit of market research. The survey asked an impressive 1,000 people to finish the following sentence: ‘Jeremy Clarkson is…’

Everyone reading this will have their own word or phrase to fill in that particular blank but the most opinionated choices from the survey ranged from ‘awesome’ (almost 2%) to ‘twat’ (nearly 4% of respondents). The largest group (15%) offered the unerringly accurate but deathly boring: ‘presenter of Top Gear’. Yawn.

Some of the more imaginative thoughts included: ‘Bully hiding behind a thin veil of sarcasm'; ‘A nonce'; ‘A topical journalist who is not frightened to speak his mind'; ‘An intellectual comedy genius’ and ‘Legend’ to the unfussy and succinct ‘Git’.

Clarkson, perhaps not unsurprisingly, attracted numerous comments relating to both male and female genitalia – the classic Anglo-Saxon image device used by common folk to diminish their foes. Also known as calling someone a c*** – 34% called him a ‘twat’, 12% opted for ‘dick’, and ‘knob’ was favoured by 6% of those who were surveyed.

In an attempt to prove the press and public furore over the 2007 UK child benefit data scandal was a fuss about nothing, he published his own bank account number and sort code, together with instructions on how to find out his address, in The Sun newspaper, expecting nobody to be able to remove money from his account. He later discovered that someone had set up a monthly direct debit for £500 to Diabetes UK.

rrose-cunted glasses

(atgweb 3 or 4)

Live satellite map n stuf…

Every Noise at Once… anyone for a bit of doomcore?


Click this image… now.

Go fk your eyes up mate…


Right, off for a bit of freestyling…

kiss kiss